Friends of Mineralogy, Colorado Chapter
Colorado Minerals (1982). A symposium held in conjunction with the Rocky Mountain Federation of Mineralogical Societies, Denver Gem and Mineral Show, September 19, 1982. The abstract booklet is Out-of-Print but a free pdf of the abstracts can be downloaded here.
Classic Mineral Localities (1983). A symposium sponsored by the Friends of Mineralogy, Colorado Chapter, and held at the Denver Gem and Mineral Show, September 18, 1983. The abstract booklet is Out-of-Print but a free pdf of the abstracts can be downloaded here.
Mines, Collectors, and their Minerals (1984). A symposium sponsored by the Friends of Mineralogy, Colorado Chapter, and held at the Denver Gem and Mineral Show, September 9, 1984. Abstract booklet. The abstract booklet is Out-of-Print but a free pdf of the abstracts can be downloaded here.
Recent Activities at Rock Mountain Mineral Localities (1985). A symposium sponsored by the Friends of Mineralogy, Colorado Chapter, and held at the Denver Gem and Mineral Show, September 15, 1985. The abstract booklet is Out-of-Print, but a free pdf of the symposium abstracts can be downloaded here.
Colorado Pegmatite Symposium (1986). Program, Abstracts, and Field Guide, Friends of Mineralogy, Denver, CO. 160 p. A free pdf of the publication can be downloaded here.
Precious Metals Symposium (1988). A hardcopy can be ordered from the chapter by email request. Download free as a pdf file in three parts: Part 1 of 3 papers – pages 1 to 79, Part 2 of 3 papers – pages 80 to last abstract, and Part 3 of 3 Field Trips: field trips only.
Photography of Mineralogical, Paleontological, and Archaeological Specimens (1989) A Symposium on the Equipment and Techniques for Professionals and Amateurs, 74 p. and an additional 18 pages of reprinted articles by Jeff Scovil from Rocks & Minerals. A Free black and white pdf of the symposium proceeding can be downloaded here.
NYF Pegmatite Symposium Abstracts (1999) The Eugene E. Foord Memorial Symposium on NYF-type Pegmatites, 73 p. Also published in Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 37, part 3, June 1999, pp. 791-863.
NYF Pegmatite Symposium Field Trip Guidebook (1999) Field guide to NYF-type [niobium-yttrium-fluorine] Pegmatites of the Pikes Peak Batholith; field trips to the Lake George and South Platte pegmatite districts, 36 p. Out-of-print.
Antero Aquamarines: Minerals from the Mount Antero and White Mountain Region, Chaffee County, Colorado (1993) by Mark Ivan Jacobson. L. R. Ream Publishing, softcover, 126 p. + 8 color plates, softcover. Out-of-print. Copies might be available for sale from Lithographie LLC.
Antero Aquamarines: Minerals from the Mount Antero and White Mountain Region, Chaffee County, Colorado (1993) by Mark Ivan Jacobson. L. R. Ream Publishing, 126 p. + 8 color plates, hardcover. Out-of-print.
Minerals of Colorado (1997) by Edwin B. Eckel, Robert R Cobban, Donley S. Collins, Eugene E. Foord, Daniel E. Kile, Peter J. Modreski, and Jack A. Murphy. Fulcrum Press, 665 p. plus 40 plates with 118 color and 27 b&w photos, hardcover.
Symposium on Gemstone Deposits of the Rocky Mountain Region, Program and Abstracts (2002) Program & abstracts of an FMCC symposium; 79 p. including 3 p. and cover in color. Free download of Gemstone Deposits Symposium proceedings
Symposium on Agate and Cryptocrystalline Quartz (2005) from an FMCC symposium; 144 pages including 3 pages plus cover in color. Free download of Agate Symposium proceedings
Creede Mineral and History Symposium (2010) Program, abstracts and author biographical summary, 32 p. The symposium program and abstracts booklet can be downloaded for free here.
Symposium on Minerals of Russia (2011) Program and abstracts from the September 10, 2011. A one day symposium, 14 p. The symposium program and abstracts booklet can be downloaded for free here.
. Ouray-Silverton San Juan Mountains Mineral Symposium (2014). Program, abstracts and field guides. September 5 – 7, 2014. Ouray, Colorado. 8-1/2 x 11 inches format, Color front and back cover, B&W, 54 pages. A free pdf can be downloaded by clicking here.
Second Foord Pegmatite Symposium, Abstracts, Short Papers, Posters and Program. (2016) Friends of Mineralogy, Colorado, 126 pages. A free pdf can be downloaded by clicking Foord pegmatite symposium proceedings.
Second Foord Pegmatite Symposium, Field Trip Guidebook. (2016) Friends of Mineralogy, Colorado, 107 pages. $25. A free pdf can be downloaded by clicking 2016_Pegmatite_fieldtrip_guidebook.
Pegmatites of China: A bibliography. Presented as a poster at the Second Foord Symposium (2016), 55 pages. Only available as a free pdf that can be downloaded by clicking China pegmatite publication references Foord symposium.
Gold and Silver Deposits in Colorado Symposium – program, abstracts and papers. Berthoud Hall, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, July 20-24, 2017. Sponsored by the Friends of the Colorado School of Mines Geology Museum, the Colorado School of Mines Geology Museum, the Denver Region Exploration Geologists’ Society, and the Friends of Mineralogy – Colorado Chapter. A free pdf of the Abstracts and program book can be downloaded by clicking here.
Field Trip Guidebook from the Gold and Silver Deposits in Colorado Symposium, Berthoud Hall, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, July 20-24, 2017. Sponsored by the Friends of the Colorado School of Mines Geology Museum, the Colorado School of Mines Geology Museum, the Denver Region Exploration Geologists’ Society, and the Friends of Mineralogy – Colorado Chapter. A free pdf of the field trip guidebook can be downloaded by clicking here.
Minerals from the Metallic Ore Deposits of the American Southwest symposium, Berthoud Hall, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, August 3-5, 2018. Sponsored by the Friends of Mineralogy – Colorado Chapter, the Colorado School of Mines Geology Museum, and the Friends of the Colorado School of Mines Geology Museum. Color, 8.5 x 11 inches, 34 p. A free pdf of the program and abstract book can be downloaded by clicking below: 2018_Aug_SW_Symposium_program_and_abstracts_FMCC.
Mineral Oddities symposium, Berthoud Hall, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado. Sponsored by the Friends of Mineralogy – Colorado Chapter and the Mines Museum of Earth Science. Held June 13-16, 2024. Part of the meeting was a mineral photography workshop, a mineral collecting field trip, a tour behind the scene of the Department of Geology at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, and a Micromount Summit event sponsored by the Rocky Mountain Micromounters Association. The symposium program and abstract booklet, free: click here and the field trip guidebook, free; click here